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Emotional Transformation Therapy

This treatment model typically has quick results with minimal need to talk about the issue that brought the client into the office. It works extremely well with individuals who are emotional when they think about the problem they have and even more so if the problem has not been chronic. However, this treatment works well with chronic concerns, but it does take more time.

Upset businessman banging his head against wall in despair looks stressed having problems

Many people are surprised after an ETT session because experiences may take place so quickly and strongly by a means that is unfamiliar to most people. How could looking at a light, a color, or changing the angle at which light enters the eyes have such a strong effect? It is not commonly known that the system of nerves that carries out vision extends throughout the brain and nervous system. By carefully using this visual neural system in recently discovered ways, changes can be made that are quite striking.

Within a therapeutic relationship, visual brain stimulation can be used to relieve distress at rapid speeds. When light enters a person’s eyes, there are cells in the eyes called photoreceptors that convert what one sees into neural impulses. These impulses travel to almost every part of the brain and nervous system. If the therapist controls certain features of what the client sees, the direction and destination of the neural impulses can be precisely guided to the portions of the brain responsible for a certain symptom. When this process is guided well, the exact emotions, memories or thoughts responsible for a particular distress can be brought to relief within a single session if the targeted issue was not chronic.

Many people wonder how light stimulation could possibly change chemical activity in the brain that is associated with emotional distress. Every cell in our bodies has integral membrane proteins (IMP). One class of these IMPs converts vibration such as light into biochemical signals. If a particular wavelength of light matches the targeted emotional or physical state, the experience of “resonance” is thought to occur. This principle can also be seen when one tuning fork vibrates and causes another tuning fork to also vibrate at the same rate. In the case of light resonating with emotion, the result is often a very rapid change in biochemistry and the conclusion of the targeted emotion.

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